+35 society should normalize educating people on the effects of alcohol and how much you can actually drink, amirite?

by Damoredeon 1 week ago

I don't understand some of your sentences

by Anonymous 1 week ago

you've understood some? all I'm getting is a garbled misinformed mess

by Jgrimes 1 week ago

You've focused on the effects of alcohol in a 24 hour period, and missed the big picture. Alcohol causes cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems, is associated with 33% of vehicular fatalities... 27% of sexual assaults. So if you want to "educate" people on alcohol, be read for some harsh truths you'd rather not know.

by Telly07 1 week ago

Well alcohol literally affects every person a little differently. A 200lb man who has never drank before is going to be feeling pretty tipsy after a couple of beers. A 200lb man that drinks every other weekend probably will only have a slight buzz. Even though they probably have close to the same BAC, the more you drink, the more it takes to feel the effects. So the best option is to just generalize the education on the dangers of drinking too much and drinking and driving.

by Remote_War 1 week ago

every person a little differently It also affects the same person differently depending on what they've eaten, how much water they've drunk beforehand, how tired they are etc.

by Disastrous-Fly-788 1 week ago

I don't think that it is normal in most circles of friends to drink till you need someone to keep you alive. Maybe in that odd phase between 16-18 where some make partying or pushing boundaries their whole character, but afterwards? Naah.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Typing drunk?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lol dude doesn't have parents.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah, speaking of I'm gonna have a drink

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago